Adik: Angah, haritu Beast datang kan?
Me: A'a, angah pergi plak kn MTV tu (dalam diam, die x tau, kakak sorg die ni dh pergi 2 fan meetings dah)
Along: Geleng2 pale*
OK, I have to admit, any open concerts, especially the one who offers FREE STANDING is not suitable for me. It requires you great patience.
actually I was lazy like hell to even write this entry, but because of the ever-encouraging Sarah, I gigihkan jugak keringat yg ade pada diri ni.
OK, here's how the story begins.
Dated 24/7/2011
termaktublah al-kisah di mana I met these 6 jejaka kacak ni sekali lagi. Walaupun dalam perancangan, kami ber-3 (Me, Sarah n Azie) akan bertemu mereka, last2 I was the only one who survived. Thank God, I still have Era n Fareez (My friends from TKC) yg ikut join mlm tu, klau x, I'm gonna join backpacking to kampung.
First, I can never handle the homo sapiens which I presumed will be going wild and uncontrollable.
First, I can never handle the homo sapiens which I presumed will be going wild and uncontrollable.
At first, dah planning cantik2 dah, Azie akn ikut together n tidur kat My Home Hotel (Again! reminded me with ICDL) mlm MTV World Stage tu, skali tup tap dpt call from Azie ckp die x jd last minit.
xpela, mungkin xde rezeki for her to meet her new bias.
jeng jeng jeng who's he?
jeng jeng jeng who's he?
so, terpaksalah bgtau Fareez I have to stay there alone. Dah la Fareez n Era bwk kawan2 dorg, n yet, I'm alone again. Wuu. Don't you know how I felt when their friends' faces kept popping out from the queue and I haven't got anyone to welcome me???
Luck met me, tetbe dgr org pnggl my name dr belakang.
Apelagi, terus cekedout la.
Guess who?
It's Chitah!
Haha, I was damn excited dowh, cam nak jerit kuat2 kat situ,
Ade gak sesat dak Mesir sorg join MTV World Stage, dah la my batchmate~
tetbe proud jd Mansourians.
any motives?
Tapi, perjalanan ke I-City tu, mmg penuh dgn cabaran n titik peluh yang x putus2 jatuh ke bumi.
Balik je dari Janda Baik tu, dgn masih dibuai mimpi indah dlm bas, skali Era cakap x payah salam sume org sbb kite kejar mase. Btw, lupe nk bgtau, I was the only one yg dah ade tiket time tu, yg len sume dgn kwn dorg, so, wlau betape gigih I want to be there on time, no way la kan, I'm gonna leave them alone, ticketless.
Ape lagi, dgr je cmtu, dgn muke mamai bgn tidur plus bengang ade org curik amek gmba during my sleep, I speed up like crazy. Skali komuter wat hal plak dah. Elok2 je ktorg turun escalator, time tu la Komuter tu gigih nak pecut laju ke hadapan tanpa menoleh kanan/kiri.
Tapi xpe, mengikut ape yg pernah diingatkan oleh ayah sebelum ni:
"Kalau Allah izinkan, insya-Allah sempat je"
terbit sedikit kesabaran
terbit sedikit kesabaran
OK...that's so awkward and unsuitable
Pergi konsert ade plak nak mntak Allah permudahkan supposedly mintak diampunkan
Tup, tap, tup, tap, sampai la ke I-City (not yet!) My Home Hotel tu. Buat kali kedua in my life,I went back to this hotel again --- igtkn x kn dtng2 dah.
Then, ktorg semayang siap2 lepas tu, ape lagi...abes je, check2 make up, mane tau, tertinggal sebutir due bedak kt muke, only in hope they can actually have a glance of us. Bla la~
Ktorg, dgn drastiknya mengambil keputusan untuk berlari berjalan kaki laju ke I-City sahaja, which resulted in msng2 sume kecewa nape x amek teksi je.
Korg dah tau my kaki mmg panjang and how I'm lacking the ability to actually synchronize the speed.
You guys should think twice
and bdw, I believed, I was destined to run until the end for Beast.
and bdw, I believed, I was destined to run until the end for Beast.
and how I should start a fanfiction entitled:
Running Beauty
di mane ending nye:
Heroin end up kat ICU sebab kene hypoxia terlampau.
Sampai2 kat registration point je, masing2 punye tgn jd mcm lipas kudung nk simpan kamera, n time tu jla ak kene survey. Sempat lagi kn...
antara soalan yg diutarakan:
1.Artis pilihan anda:
Me:1st: Beast, 2nd: 30 Seconds to Mars 3rd...ermmm sebab x kenal saya pilih die last. Puahahaha
2.Mane tau psl world stage ni:
Buat2 konon nye tau from Mastercard, twisties la...
padahal I only open the website where you have to play this one freakin boring game only to nk dpt tiket, then only bru I got to know who's the sponsors
3.Bape bajet nak pergi MTV?
erm...wat2 kononnye dlm kesusahan:
ade la...dlm RM50, pdhal tiket org sponsor
4.Kalau wat kat negara lain, agak2 gi x?
Jawapan ketika di soal siat:
Depends on which country la (sambil wat muke confident)
Jawapan dlm ati:
Satu2 nye negara I will go is no other than Egypt, but thanks, selaen tu, mmg cm haram la nak gi kn.
5.Bape kali mkn twisties:
Jawapan ketika dalam siasatan:
Adela dlm 3 kali setaun
Adela dlm 3 kali setaun
Dlm ati:
Adela dlm 3 taun x mkn. Saya jage pemakanan kak, x men la cikedis2 x khasiat ni. =.='
abes je, mate ni duk jeling2 dekat beg akak yg wat survey tu. Mne tau die bagi iPod free satu ke kan.
Sekali die kuarkan minatang ijau ni:
Ni la mendenye eco button the one I kecoh2 dalam twitter tu. |
Apakah kebaikannya?
Sila klik link di bawah untuk maklumat lebih lanjut dan tepat:
Ni yang version lepas dapat nur. |
Ok, lepas excited dapat si button ni, time tu la duk terhegeh2 nak sembunyikkan kamera masing2.
Dengan berbekalkan beg make-up yg selalu je menemani diri ni, seboleh2 nye sumbat jugak dalam tu.
Even time pak cik tu nak check my bag, I told him this:
"Erm, yang ni beg make-up je"
Sambil wat muke 100% convincing
Hoho, tersiar keriangan di raut wajah masing2 selepas berjaya menipu sunat
Lepas tu, setiap sorg dapat la mende ni:
At first, I called this thing poco2 kot. Rupenye baju hujan. Cettt~Seb bek x hujan malam tu. *Lain kali sediakan poncho sebelum hujan ye~ |
Handcuff |
Bukti kasih sayang |
Masuk2 je, ingatkan boleh la lepas terus, but we ended up waiting in the line. Dengan berbekalkan kipas and perfume di tangan, abes sume kene sembur, sampai ade org siap tegur lagi. Keke, sorry bro, but I can't stand the effing smell yg suddenly muncul di khalayak ramai.
Selit-menyelit jangan cakap la, memang tu rutin ktorg sepanjang nak masuk ke stage tu.
I even covered my face takut2 nnt termasuk kaca tv plak kn tetbe, kang dah feymes satu dunia. Yela, dah name world stage, satu dunia tumpu kat kite. Paling di-fear-kn adalah kantoi kat my own family, which of course, mmg dah terkantoi pon.
Sampai je turn ktorg masuk, masing2 cam lipas kudung berlari sane sini. Yela, dah name regular, free standing plak tu, sape cepat die dapat kn, mmg cepatla my legs speed.
Luckily, we landed ourselves kat sebelah kiri, cause the camera kept on taking da view from our side. Memule tu, muke malu2 je dpn kamera tu, lame2...herm...ntah pose ape yg kuar lepas tu pon I barely remember.
Again! this is world stage baby! The whole world is watching u. Keke.
Tggu punye tunggu, sampai la 2 org DJ n DJ Era tu keluar...
Patu dorg potpetpotpet..I dun really listen to them well, duk pon jauh, seb bek bdn tinggi, nmpak la jgak muke dorg sket2, lepas tu dorg bagi gifts kat crowd. I dun really expect pon akn ade satu t-shirt itam jatuh dri langit tetbe kn. Elok2 jatuh dekat tempat ktorg plak tu.
Aiseh, if only I lompat skeeeettt je sure dh dpt da satu, tp apekn daye, perut mkn boncet, punggung mkn besar, mls la nak lompat. Then, berebut2la dorg amek, comel je. Cam catfights yg selalu kite tgk in American high school plak.
(Padahal dalam hati dah nyesal x sudah nape x lompat je)
Then, tggu2 lagi sampai la performance from Malaysia's very own Pop Shuvit. It's not like I'm not supporting my own local band, tapi tula, I have little interest in them, time dorg perform I can only hayun2 kipas je tanda sokongan. Nyanyi skali x mampu la kan, yela, nnt salah lirik, mau penumbuk/penampar satu from fan die.
Time tu, adela sorg mat saleh ni diri just right beside me (sempat lagi tu nak usha), comel je die.
Die x la comel, tapi gaya die. Time Pop Shuvit nyanyi tu, die juz angguk2 pale je (adakah die faham?)
I even wonder it myself...
Sampai part Mara Bahaya kuar, time tu la ade kegigihan & ke-patriotik-an muncul secara tiba2. Sebab tu je lagu dorg I actually listen to and ade dalam playlist iTunes. The funny part was when Pop Shuvit feat dgn Mambai. Adoooiiiaaaiii, boleh plak crack suare si Mambai ni time2 gitu.
Xpe, better luck next time kay, MTV leh edit, kasi flawless punye...:)
Then2, lepas tu tggu punye tggu sampai la my 6 awesome boys came out. Huaaaa~~~excited tak terkata, walaupon sebelum tu dah ade sedikit pencemaran bunyi terlampau di situ.
Selit-menyelit jangan cakap la, memang tu rutin ktorg sepanjang nak masuk ke stage tu.
I even covered my face takut2 nnt termasuk kaca tv plak kn tetbe, kang dah feymes satu dunia. Yela, dah name world stage, satu dunia tumpu kat kite. Paling di-fear-kn adalah kantoi kat my own family, which of course, mmg dah terkantoi pon.
Sampai je turn ktorg masuk, masing2 cam lipas kudung berlari sane sini. Yela, dah name regular, free standing plak tu, sape cepat die dapat kn, mmg cepatla my legs speed.
Luckily, we landed ourselves kat sebelah kiri, cause the camera kept on taking da view from our side. Memule tu, muke malu2 je dpn kamera tu, lame2...herm...ntah pose ape yg kuar lepas tu pon I barely remember.
Again! this is world stage baby! The whole world is watching u. Keke.
Tggu punye tunggu, sampai la 2 org DJ n DJ Era tu keluar...
Patu dorg potpetpotpet..I dun really listen to them well, duk pon jauh, seb bek bdn tinggi, nmpak la jgak muke dorg sket2, lepas tu dorg bagi gifts kat crowd. I dun really expect pon akn ade satu t-shirt itam jatuh dri langit tetbe kn. Elok2 jatuh dekat tempat ktorg plak tu.
Aiseh, if only I lompat skeeeettt je sure dh dpt da satu, tp apekn daye, perut mkn boncet, punggung mkn besar, mls la nak lompat. Then, berebut2la dorg amek, comel je. Cam catfights yg selalu kite tgk in American high school plak.
(Padahal dalam hati dah nyesal x sudah nape x lompat je)
Then, tggu2 lagi sampai la performance from Malaysia's very own Pop Shuvit. It's not like I'm not supporting my own local band, tapi tula, I have little interest in them, time dorg perform I can only hayun2 kipas je tanda sokongan. Nyanyi skali x mampu la kan, yela, nnt salah lirik, mau penumbuk/penampar satu from fan die.
Time tu, adela sorg mat saleh ni diri just right beside me (sempat lagi tu nak usha), comel je die.
Die x la comel, tapi gaya die. Time Pop Shuvit nyanyi tu, die juz angguk2 pale je (adakah die faham?)
I even wonder it myself...
Sampai part Mara Bahaya kuar, time tu la ade kegigihan & ke-patriotik-an muncul secara tiba2. Sebab tu je lagu dorg I actually listen to and ade dalam playlist iTunes. The funny part was when Pop Shuvit feat dgn Mambai. Adoooiiiaaaiii, boleh plak crack suare si Mambai ni time2 gitu.
Xpe, better luck next time kay, MTV leh edit, kasi flawless punye...:)
![]() |
Sepanjang lagu ni berkumandang, I can only smiling, mengimbau kembali kenangan menonton Running Man. |
Bukan la nk cakap ape, tapi
saya pon Beauty gak mcm kalian sume, tapi x perlu la nak jerit time before dorg kuar lagi mcm nak terkeluar anak tekak tu. Save it for the best la kn.
I know, lagi2 bile dah depan mata, x leh control the eagerness, tapi ni belum depan mata lg ni.
according to the research made by my own ears, suare sorakan yang paling jelas kedengaran adalah seperti berikut:
Kikwang! KiKwang! KiKwang!
Palli, Oppa!!! Palli!!!
We Want Beast!!!
2nd jatuh kepada Yoseob, diikuti Dongwoon di tempat ke-3 dan samar2 kedengaran for the other 3 boys.
And da rest tu...adalah datangnya tidak lain dan tidak bukan from me and Fareez selaku peminat Doojoon.
I even shouted Hara! Hara! Hara! time Junhyung punye part.
See? I don't hate you guys being together, but an avid supporter tau!
(Junhyung, you should be crying for this)
If I hate you guys, I'll be shouting this:
but, that's too much, man~~
Then that night, diorg perform Special, Shock, Soom, Fiction, On Rainy Days and Beautiful...
sepanjang tu jugak la, I even fight suare dgn beauty kat belakang. la can org len chanting jgak.
Time amek gamba tu, siap gegar2 tgn lagi nak me-record nye.
I even rested my arm on this one Beauty pye shoulder sebab dah letih sgt, skali die buat muke macam ni:
(Do I know you?)
NO, we never know each other
Seb bek tinggi, and kebetulan ktorg duk tgh, view mcm jaaaauuuuhhhh lg better from last Fan meeting dulu. Tula, less is more, byr sket pon slalu dpt privilege lebey. Mslhnye, masuk ni pon free je. :)
tapi agak menyesal la jgak, time dorg bagi je regular zone masuk penuhkan x-zone tu, ktorg x masuk. Klau x, lg dpt better view. Tapi xpe, klau depan2, ssh plak nak amek gmba sume. I was satisfied enough to see them that close.
"Ko tinggi, boleh la ko ckp camtu Amal~"
ade betul nye jugak tu
Agak surprise di situ, tetbe Dongwoon mcm hebat ckp English. Tepuk2*
I already knew, musti ni kes hafal script mcm Siwon time MTV Asia Awards dulu ni.
Xpe2, plng x, ade effort...
Malam tu crowds mcm divided into two plak. Beauty and Anti-fans Beast. Bkn la dorg tu anti, tapi dorg mcm x support sgt time Beast tu. Jeles cakap jela.
This is war konon. Korg jeles kan crowd malam tu penuh dgn Beauty.
Siap bole cakap camni lagi:
"Beast's fans you can get out now" - ni dialog yg diluahkan lepas Beast abes perform.
nampak x sape yg perform malam tu selain Beast???
30 Seconds to Mars OK!
Jared Leto masih di situ, and I even came for Jared.
Mmg la motif asal adelah Beast, tapi motif Jared x dilupekan ye.
Time Beast perform tu, boleh plak time intro dorg, tetbe lak kene cut and trus masuk On Rainy Days nye perf.
Seb bek dorg cool je, actuallynye xdela perasan sangat mule2, sebab busy duk mengambik gmbo je, tapi bile kawan Fareez ckp camtu mlm tu, then only i realized dat.
Tapi x pe, ak maapkan sebab korg siarkan footage backstage dorg.
Ki Kwang n his American dance again.
Aku x tau la ape reaction crowd yg bukan Beauty mlm tu. Maybe they're gonna picture him as gay.
Memandangkan dorg mmg suke men hide n seek ni, make dgn itu wujudlah juge Encore yg x brape Encore tu. Konon2 igt dah habes rupenye ade lg.
and tidak dilupakan jua.
Finally, I can finished chanting the part Junhyung punye Saranghae5x dengan jayanya mlm tu.
Macam kejayaan besar plak.
and at the end of their performance that night, dorg main2 baling bunge lagi...
Tapi tula, nyesal x pegi X-Zone tu.
Ehem2...Sarah kalau ko bace ni, sorry la, video x de, sebab internet super lembap, ko tgk from YT jela.
Dorg ade je yg best2 punye...
I got only the pics je
Habes je Neon Trees punye performance, we headed ourselves back to the stage, now we even entered the X-Zone which is now opened to anyone.
We got the left side again, which we were destined to be there.LOL
Then, after the long wait, 3STM's drummer captivated us with his awesomeness.
But, truthfully, he can never beat Jared's amazing eyes.
Speaking of a pervert, yes I am!
I swear, his eyes can make me turn my back from Beast for awhile.
I guess it's true when people said:
"Dari Mata Jatuh Ke Hati"
and how Along said about Jared's voice during live performance.
He never need any autotunes to cover the flaws.
Flawless is what should we describe him.
He can pulled any songs with perfect pitch and gave the best fan service at the same time.
When he asked us to jump along, I swear I wanted to join but to think back who am I and where I stand, I have to put the thoughts back into my brain.
and to tell you the truth, I even took 2 videos of their perf while I only had one for Beast which was during 'Fiction', and don't count the pics taken cause I even asked myself if I was really a Beauty that night cause I took more for 30STM.
But, we have to end it early sebab Fareez punye kawan sume dah tggu kat hotel since we kept the key.
Addoooiiiaaaiii, melepas mek nak tgk Jared lagi.
Dahla die siap panggil crowd naik atas.
So, since I don't think my super laju internet will allow me to upload the vids, I can only present you guys with this only:
Then that night, diorg perform Special, Shock, Soom, Fiction, On Rainy Days and Beautiful...
sepanjang tu jugak la, I even fight suare dgn beauty kat belakang. la can org len chanting jgak.
Time amek gamba tu, siap gegar2 tgn lagi nak me-record nye.
I even rested my arm on this one Beauty pye shoulder sebab dah letih sgt, skali die buat muke macam ni:
(Do I know you?)
NO, we never know each other
Seb bek tinggi, and kebetulan ktorg duk tgh, view mcm jaaaauuuuhhhh lg better from last Fan meeting dulu. Tula, less is more, byr sket pon slalu dpt privilege lebey. Mslhnye, masuk ni pon free je. :)
tapi agak menyesal la jgak, time dorg bagi je regular zone masuk penuhkan x-zone tu, ktorg x masuk. Klau x, lg dpt better view. Tapi xpe, klau depan2, ssh plak nak amek gmba sume. I was satisfied enough to see them that close.
"Ko tinggi, boleh la ko ckp camtu Amal~"
ade betul nye jugak tu
Agak surprise di situ, tetbe Dongwoon mcm hebat ckp English. Tepuk2*
I already knew, musti ni kes hafal script mcm Siwon time MTV Asia Awards dulu ni.
Xpe2, plng x, ade effort...
Malam tu crowds mcm divided into two plak. Beauty and Anti-fans Beast. Bkn la dorg tu anti, tapi dorg mcm x support sgt time Beast tu. Jeles cakap jela.
This is war konon. Korg jeles kan crowd malam tu penuh dgn Beauty.
Siap bole cakap camni lagi:
"Beast's fans you can get out now" - ni dialog yg diluahkan lepas Beast abes perform.
nampak x sape yg perform malam tu selain Beast???
30 Seconds to Mars OK!
Jared Leto masih di situ, and I even came for Jared.
Mmg la motif asal adelah Beast, tapi motif Jared x dilupekan ye.
Time Beast perform tu, boleh plak time intro dorg, tetbe lak kene cut and trus masuk On Rainy Days nye perf.
Seb bek dorg cool je, actuallynye xdela perasan sangat mule2, sebab busy duk mengambik gmbo je, tapi bile kawan Fareez ckp camtu mlm tu, then only i realized dat.
Tapi x pe, ak maapkan sebab korg siarkan footage backstage dorg.
Ki Kwang n his American dance again.
Aku x tau la ape reaction crowd yg bukan Beauty mlm tu. Maybe they're gonna picture him as gay.
Memandangkan dorg mmg suke men hide n seek ni, make dgn itu wujudlah juge Encore yg x brape Encore tu. Konon2 igt dah habes rupenye ade lg.
and tidak dilupakan jua.
Finally, I can finished chanting the part Junhyung punye Saranghae5x dengan jayanya mlm tu.
Macam kejayaan besar plak.
and at the end of their performance that night, dorg main2 baling bunge lagi...
Tapi tula, nyesal x pegi X-Zone tu.
Ehem2...Sarah kalau ko bace ni, sorry la, video x de, sebab internet super lembap, ko tgk from YT jela.
Dorg ade je yg best2 punye...
I got only the pics je
OK, habes je Beast perform, ramai la yg kuar, tapi tidak kepada kami...
Selagi Jared x kuar, ak x kuar weyh!
Tapi, dugaan silih berganti...
sebelum perf Neon Trees, tetbe my body start to become weak, maybe sebab dehydrated sgt, plus I was at my peak day n PMS lak tu, selalu je kene time Beast datang, and I dunno why.
and maybe gak, after the running n chanting terlampau sampai Beast nye perf and crowd yg semakin gile, my body has given out the signal to stop any excessive movements.
Waktu tu, I almost faint, tapi gigihkn gak badan ni sebab xknla nk duk pengsan tgh2 crowd tu, segan seyh.
Patu Era pon bgla duk bersandar kat besi penghadang yang pisahkan X-Zone dgn Regular Zone tu. Time tula, regain sket energy. Terima kasih yg tidak terhingga jua to this one chinese girl, tolong kipas2kn my face. Die siap offer lagi. Baik kn, die?
Credits to Era and Fareez for being such a big help to me dat night!
Klau x sebab dorg! I think I'll be a pancake ready to be served,
or masuk ICU kene IV injection kot malam tu.
Time Neon Trees start perform ok lg, skali time dorg dh high and going wild too...aiseh~
I can finally understand when people said tsunami itu dahsyat, cume kali ni bukan air, tapi bdn manusia.
"Korg x nampak ke ade org separuh mati kt dpn ni and korg boleh plak nak high2 i'm so high kt blkng, tolak2 ktorg kt dpn ni kan!"
Ape lg, lepas dh x thn tu, Era terus tarik ktorg kuar.
and sepanjang tu jugak la I'm cussing! Opppsss
it's hard for me to actually cussing in public, tapi segala yg tersimpan, dari sebelum ni lg, I let them go that night, sampai dorg sume pon terkejut tgk ade sorg bdk pompuan tgh lalu keluar sambil cussing n ngamuk2...
Words I never expected to come out from my mouth, sume laju je kuar. Yg klakanye, Era duk ckp sorry2 kat dpn tu, while I was busy cussing kat tgh, n Fareez plak kne witness reaction org lepas tu kat blkng. Hehe...
Abes lega je kuar, trus pecut gi cari air, siap beli 2 air for sorg lg, satu mineral water, satu revive isotonic tu. Mmg masing2 revive blk la lepas tu.
Lepas tu borak2 tgk reaction org sambil tgk perf Neon Trees from luar je.
Pastu masing2 tuka gamba tgk ape yg dorg amek.
Mase tula, rse inferior ngn kamera sendiri, rase mcm nk kamera digital baru super canggih n DSLR for my own je.
Habes je Neon Trees punye performance, we headed ourselves back to the stage, now we even entered the X-Zone which is now opened to anyone.
We got the left side again, which we were destined to be there.LOL
Then, after the long wait, 3STM's drummer captivated us with his awesomeness.
But, truthfully, he can never beat Jared's amazing eyes.
Speaking of a pervert, yes I am!
I swear, his eyes can make me turn my back from Beast for awhile.
I guess it's true when people said:
"Dari Mata Jatuh Ke Hati"
and how Along said about Jared's voice during live performance.
He never need any autotunes to cover the flaws.
Flawless is what should we describe him.
He can pulled any songs with perfect pitch and gave the best fan service at the same time.
When he asked us to jump along, I swear I wanted to join but to think back who am I and where I stand, I have to put the thoughts back into my brain.
and to tell you the truth, I even took 2 videos of their perf while I only had one for Beast which was during 'Fiction', and don't count the pics taken cause I even asked myself if I was really a Beauty that night cause I took more for 30STM.
But, we have to end it early sebab Fareez punye kawan sume dah tggu kat hotel since we kept the key.
Addoooiiiaaaiii, melepas mek nak tgk Jared lagi.
Dahla die siap panggil crowd naik atas.
So, since I don't think my super laju internet will allow me to upload the vids, I can only present you guys with this only: